Servicing Philadelphia and surrounding counties

Army ants

Carpenter Ants

Remember as a kid calling these guys army ants? Carpenter Ants would take over the backyard. Although this species of ant is a nuisance it has several agricultural benefits. Often confused with termites these ants do destroy wood. When irritated or threatened, they can and will inflict a painful bite. To increase the pain they are known to spray formic acid into bite wounds. Although this rarely happens I feel it’s best to know the possibilities.

Carpenter ants, for the most part, are nocturnal insects and do most of their work outside their colony at night. If you need to follow the ants back to their nest in the soil you may need to spend some time with a flashlight after the sun goes down.

They move along well-established trails and often choose other kinds of lines that we provide for them, such as garden hoses laying on the ground, the edges of walls or boards, and within the walls of the home along electric wires and pipes that run through the wall voids.

One easy pathway for them to enter your home is the branches of trees and shrubs that touch the walls or roof outside. A major part of ant control is exclusion, and by trimming plants away from the home you can take away this access, not only for ants but for any other insects and rodents.


Call today for help with this pest.
215-253-6019 or 610-624-3196
24hr. Emergency service @ 267-507-iKAG (4524)
*Emergency service rates apply.

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