Servicing Philadelphia and surrounding counties


Pantry Moths

You notice a webbed cocoon in the top corners of the ceiling or maybe in the cabinets. Thinking nothing of it, you grab the broom and whisk it away and then you notice several more. Chances are these are this common nuisance pest. Moths are pests when they infest our food and fabrics and storage products.

Also called Indian meal moths

Indian meal moth is a small, grayish-brown moth common in many homes. The caterpillar stage feeds on nuts, herbs, coarsely ground grains, and other pantry items. The Indian meal moth (Plodia interpunctella) is the most common household moth that can reproduce in homes.

All stages of the Indian meal moth may be found in homes. The adult is a small moth, about 3/8 inch long with a wingspan of about 5/8 inch. The overall body color is generally dirty gray but the tip half of the wing is rusty brown or nearly bronze. This wing marking pattern allows Indian meal moths to be easily distinguished from other household moths.

Indian meal moth larva

The caterpillar stage is usually cream-colored, sometimes with yellowish-green or pinkish shades, and has a dark brown head. Normally they stay associated with foods, but the full-grown caterpillars, about 2/3 inch long, may be seen as they wander in search of a place to pupate.

Probably three or four generations can be completed annually in a home. Although all stages may be present as generations overlap. For reasons that are unclear, adults are usually observed most commonly from November through February.

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