Servicing Philadelphia and surrounding counties



Infamous with Philadelphia. The current rodent epidemic in Philly has homeowners and renters alike worried. We receive several calls from locations believing there are squirrels n their ceiling.

Surprise surprise in several situations it is rats. Local restaurants, cafes, and childcare facilities alike have been having problems and sightings of these rodents. A major part contributor to the rise in the population is resistance to rodenticide poisons.

The misuse and misapplication of these chemicals have over time allowed rats/mice to develop resistance and an awareness. The key elements to the eradication of this pest are identification, some of the more common types of rats are the Norway rat also known as the Sewer rat as aforementioned.

The 2nd type of rat is called the roof rat. 

Call today for help with this pest.
215-253-6019 or 610-624-3196
24hr. Emergency service @ 267-507-iKAG (4524)
*Emergency service rates apply.

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