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Infamous with Philadelphia. The current rodent epidemic in Philly has homeowners and renters alike worried. We receive several calls from locations believing there are squirrels n their ceiling.
Surprise surprise in several situations it is rats. Local restaurants, cafes, and childcare facilities alike have been having problems and sightings of these rodents. A major part contributor to the rise in the population is resistance to rodenticide poisons.
The misuse and misapplication of these chemicals have over time allowed rats/mice to develop resistance and an awareness. The key elements to the eradication of this pest are identification, some of the more common types of rats are the Norway rat also known as the Sewer rat as aforementioned.
The 2nd type of rat is called the roof rat.
Call today for help with this pest.
215-253-6019 or 610-624-3196
24hr. Emergency service @ 267-507-iKAG (4524)
*Emergency service rates apply.
Size: is an average of 10 inches long without the tail. the tail normally the same length as the body.
Weight: males average about 12 oz. females are smaller averaging around 9 oz.
Color: shades of Brown normally darker brown often mistaken for black. Also seen as a grey rat.
General appearance: they are large and robust, with a blunt muzzle (nose/face area)and their ears can not reach their eyes. The female has 12 teats for raising young.
These Rat species are more common in our area.
Both these rodents are omnivores.
the Norway rats live in a social setting where the classes are separated by dominance, where the more dominant receive the most in the habitat and pecking order to food rights.
There is little known about the social habits of roof rat species at this time.
These rats have a bad sense of vision, they rely more on their sense of smell touch and taste.
size: is an average of 6-8 inches with a matching size tail.
weight: they weigh between 5-10 oz
color: Roof rats can be light gray to dark black.
General appearance: Sleek and graceful, with a muzzle, pointed snout and their ears can be pulled over their eyes.
Roof rats are nimble and great climbers and as the name would suggest they love elevated areas. You can find them climbing utility wires and high fences.
They often come down to food sources, being nimble climbers. They also move fast to avoid detection and predators.
Roof rats are not as curious, like many other rat species. Actually, roof rats will avoid new objects for several days before inspecting it. We can go on and on about rats… from their intelligence to their mating habits and needs to gnaw. but we won’t!
Ultrasonic devices have no proven evidence to support its claims. What we do know is that rats will readily run from foreign noises and objects momentarily. After identifying these objects the presence and noise has no effect in their control. There has been reporting of some poisons being ineffective to treating roof rats especially.
The proper treatment is to identify the type of rats to use the proper baits and attracting agents.
Locating the hiding places and travel paths. Rat proofing also is known as exclusions.
some other simple changes in the environment.
In some situations, a chemical called tracking powder can be used. However, usage has to be careful to never be placed overhead or in areas where rodents can still travel in food prep areas etc.