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German cockroaches
Eliminating roaches, affordable with simple treatments
Once we enter your location we evaluate the safest practices to eradicate roach populations.
Roaches are resilient, We offer way more than a general spray treatment. This is war, this is personal. We pride our service on being the end-all-be-all. Stopping roaches during the reproductive cycle is just the start. Rowhome or multi-unit we eliminate. We provide the detailed service recommended by several of our commercial restaurants and child care facilities.
Call today for help with this pest.
215-253-6019 or 610-624-3196
24hr. Emergency service @ 267-507-iKAG (4524)
*Emergency service rates apply.
Eliminate Roaches
Life cycles
Diseases and viruses
Eliminate Roaches
There are at least 55 species of roaches found in the United States. Only four species are common pests in the Philadelphia metro area structures. These are the German, brown-banded, Oriental, and American cockroaches. A fifth species, the Pennsylvania wood cockroach is an occasional nuisance pest in some locations.
German cockroaches, these disgusting creatures are commonly found in urban/suburban areas. In the inner city where row home, housing is plentiful. They infest our homes rapidly and most commonly are noticed in kitchens and bathrooms. German roaches love the heat and humid conditions but can live in almost any situation. These roaches can be a problem to eliminate for a less experienced PCO. With insect growth regulators, baits and cracks crevice and void treatments. A severe infestation can be managed in a few simple, short visits.
The German cockroach can easily travel home to home. Creating generations of headaches for homeowners and renters alike. These insects are survivors although they would rather dine on proteins, sweets, and greases. They may eat household items such as soap, glue, and toothpaste or they may even turn cannibalistic. Often chewing on the wings and legs of each other and scavaging for any available digestible source.
Life cycles
German cockroaches go through 3 stages in life, egg, nymph, and adult. Reaching sexual maturity almost immediately after adulthood. Male German cockroaches, on average live 100 to 150 days. Females live longer, with an average lifespan of 190 to 200 days with a 200-day life span. German cockroaches reproduce 4-8 times with each time having offspring between 30-50 eggs per breeding. These roaches hide their eggs in deep cracks and crevices or in walls flooring etc…
- The range in the number of offspring is between 120 to 240.
- The average number of offspring is around 150.
- Range gestation period 20 to 30 days.
- The average gestation period of 28 days.
- Range time to independence 40 to 125 days.
- Average time to independence 65 days.
- This species of roach is most commonly associated with filthy living conditions. However, it is normal for us to receive calls from neighboring locations.
Diseases and viruses
There are no known benefits to German cockroaches in regards to humans. (personally I’m not ready for roach milk.) They are prey for other household pest centipedes, spiders, etc. German cockroaches act as hosts to a number of parasites, such as bacteria, protozoans, and viruses these pathogens can lead to human ailments. In situations involving an infestation, roach fecal splatters can alter the taste of food and cause a distinct foul odor. Cockroaches are noted as one of the main contributors to asthma and other allergic reactions. Other causes of childhood asthma can be further explained by the Public Health Management Corporation
- Simple treatments include(s) a perimeter treatment with a licensed registered insecticide, also detailed baiting system in bathrooms and kitchens.
- Moderate treatments include(s) treatment number 1 with additional crack crevice insecticide dusting and 100% safe appliance treatments.
- Advanced treatments include(s) all prior methods and use of I.G.R.’s which are in simple terms Birth control for roaches. Use of flooding agents we systematically increase the acceptance of baits, dust and other insecticides for immediate eradication.
In row home situations this pest can spread, location to location rapidly. Visit our service page for the neighbor and group discounts.